Yankee Dryer Paper Machine: Key Insights & Working Principle

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Written By World Paper Mill

Pulp and Paper Industry Expert

When it comes to producing soft, high-quality tissue products, the Yankee dryer paper machine plays a crucial role. It is an advanced paper machine, standing as a pivotal in the paper manufacturing industry where efficiency and product quality are paramount.

In this blog, we will explore what a Yankee dryer paper machine is, how it works, and its importance in paper production paper.

What is a Dryer in a Paper Machine?

In paper machine, a dryer is a machine that is responsible for removing the moisture from the paper sheet after it has been formed and pressed. This is a dewatering equipment used in a critical step in the paper-making process. The excess moisture in the paper sheet must be removed to give the paper its final properties like strength and smoothness.

The dryer is located in the paper-making process after the press section. The drying is done by passing the wet paper sheet over the felt where the heated surface or the heated air is used to evaporate the water content.

Among the various drying methods, the Yankee dryer is one of the most efficient and commonly used systems in tissue production.


What is a Yankee Dryer Paper Machine?

A Yankee dryer paper machine is a large, steam-heated cylinder used in the production of specialty paper products like tissue paper. It is a dewatering equipment. It is an integral part of a paper machine, specifically designed to improve the drying efficiency and impart specific surface qualities to the paper.

The surface of the Yankee dryer cylinder is highly polished as per the need to produce a smooth and glazed finished paper.

Yankee dryers are massive in size. The average size of the Yankee cylinders exceeds 7 meters in diameter and 6 meters in width. Due to their large size and complexity of their operations, these Yankee dryer paper machines are custom-built as per the specific production requirements.

Use of the Yankee Dryer Paper Machine

Yankee dryers are primarily used in the tissue-making process to produce soft products such as facial tissues, toilet tissues, and kitchen towels. The Yankee cylinder is pressurized from the inside with steam, which helps to heat the surface of the cylinder. With this heated surface, the paper sheet on the surface of the Yankee dryer dries uniformly and efficiently.

The tissue paper sheet adheres to the surface of the cylinder while drying, and there is a doctor blade mechanism used to remove the tissue paper creping it to give it softness and increased bulk. This creping process is key to producing high-quality, soft tissue products.

Additionally, Yankee dryers are also used for producing machine-glazed (MG) paper grades. In this case, the dryer imparts a high-gloss finish to one side of the paper, making it ideal for products like manila envelopes, wrapping paper, and other specialty papers.

Working Principle of Yankee Dryer Paper Machine

The working principle of a Yankee dryer paper machine is quite simple and effective. The wet paper sheet is forwarded to the Yankee dryer where it makes direct contact with a large steam-heated cylinder.

The cylinder surface is polished, and the steam within provides the required heat to dry the paper sheet. As the paper adheres to the Yankee cylinder, the moisture from the paper sheet evaporates. A creping blade or doctor blade is applied to the surface of the paper to release the paper from the cylinder. This process not only dries the paper but also imparts the necessary texture and softness by creping the paper.

As the Yankee dryer is a custom product, its cost may vary unlike other paper manufacturing machines cost. Yet to get an actual idea about the cost of the Yankee dryer paper machine, you can contact us and we can guide you according to your requirements. Contact us now.



The Yankee dryer paper machine is an essential component of modern paper manufacturing, especially in tissue and specialty paper production. Its ability to dry paper efficiently while adding specific textures, such as softness or a glazed surface, makes it a valuable asset in the industry. With ongoing technological advancements and service improvements, Yankee dryers are expected to continue playing a pivotal role in meeting the high demands of tissue production, ensuring product quality, and enhancing production efficiency.

For industries aiming to maintain high standards of production, routine inspections, repairs, and adjustments of the Yankee section, such as metallurgical inspections, doctor blade adjustments, and shell thickness measurements, are essential to prolong the life of the machine and optimize its performance.

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