Shocking Truths About Paper Industry

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Written By World Paper Mill

Pulp and Paper Industry Expert

How often does it happen to you that you come across some information about the paper industry that leaves you stunned for a while?

Not enough number of times, right?

We have been in this paper industry for a very long time and many factors came to us as a surprise in this period. The interesting thing was that the secrets which surprised us were, in fact, the regular events of the paper world.

We are so consumed with the daily routine of our work life, that we sometimes don’t pay attention to the small things that are making a big difference in the real world outside our paper mill. There are many such things that we do regularly without having an idea of how it is impacting the world around us.

We are sharing a few shocking truths about paper industry that came to us as a piece of information.


Shocking Truth #1: Paper industry is the fifth largest energy consumer

Did you know that already?

Among the entire industrial sector ranging from automobiles to telecommunications, the paper industry is the fifth largest consumer of power and energy. The paper industry comes under the energy-intensive manufacturing.

The percentage of energy consumed by the paper industry is around 10% which is almost twice as that of any other sector in the industrial field. The other industries that consume more energy than the paper industry are the chemical industry, food & beverage industry, petrochemical industry, and the mining & foundries industry.

Shocking Truth #2: The first paper recycling mill was not invented until 1874

The first paper recycling mill was invented in New York in 1874. Manufacturing paper by recycling old and used paper was invented by an English papermaker Matthias Koops who was granted the patent for making paper out of recycled material. Matthias Koops developed the process of deinking of old and used paper and then converting the deinked pulp into a white new paper. We now follow this process in our paper mills.

Paper recycling gained large attention after world war II. The quantity of recycling paper products had a drastic increase from 5 million tonnes to 40 million tonnes. According to 2019 statistics, recycled paper production has increased to 68% worldwide.

Fun Fact: You all know that the paper was invented in China by a person named Cai Lun in 105 AD. But, the Chinese kept this a secret for almost half a century. Then, the process of papermaking was known to Korea after almost 5 centuries i.e. in 600 AD. The papermaking technique was reached to India by 670 AD. The Chinese tried to hide the information for a very long period, however, once a Chinese troop was captured and prisoned by Ottoman Turks in the battle of Talas River. The Arabs learned the papermaking process from these Chinese prisoners and established their first paper mill in Baghdad in around 800 AD and started using the paper for writing purposes. The people of Baghdad also kept this a secret from the rest of the world. The Egyptians learned to make paper in the 10th century and it was reached to Africa in around 1100 AD. The paper was then known to the Europeans and the Spanish by the 14th century. The first paper mill built in America was in 1690 AD!

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Shocking Truth #3: True top producers know the interior & exterior of their craft

This is not a shocking truth about paper industry but its one of an important fact. To achieve success in a tremendous amount, you need to keep yourself fully updated about the happenings of the paper industry. Technology is growing rapidly and several things are gaining importance in every sector.

It is important to know what are you doing and what you can do to improve it. The secret to a successful business is providing good quality services and products to your customers that will help you to maintain your customers and drive more customers to your paper mill.

Shocking Truth #4: You need a constant flow of orders to grow and thrive

Unlike other business, the paper industry is not the one which makes a large profit in a single order and remains slack for the rest of the time of the month. To achieve success for your paper mill, you need a constant flow of orders that will make you a good amount of profit for the entire year.

You can trade between the categories of products.

For example, if you are generally manufacturing the kraft paper and you have not received orders in along time, look for the orders of manufacturing printing paper. You can achieve this by making some minimal changes in the production process. This will help you in having a constant work and your mill will not remain jobless. A constantly working mill is a healthy mill.

Also Read: Which Paper has the most demand in Paper Industry?

So these were some of the shocking truths about paper industry or now we can say facts from the paper industry that we shared with you.

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