Planet or Plastic?

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Written By World Paper Mill

Pulp and Paper Industry Expert

“There’s no ‘Planet B’ to shift on. The earth is all we have in common! And we, as an individual should stand to protect it.”

Hello and welcome to the blog. Today’s topic is the world’s biggest and critical issue, that needs to be resolved and worked upon. Planet or Plastic?

Plastic, in scientific terms, polyethylene or polythene, having a density of around 0.88–0.96 g/cm3 is capable of destroying this planet.

Over 100 million tonnes of plastic material are manufactured annually and used all over the world.

Out of this, nearly 70 percent of which is single-use plastic. Single-use plastic is non-recyclable.

Once, served its purpose, it directly goes to the bins and then into the surroundings.

How often do you get the question ‘Planet or Plastic?’ And how often do you have a satisfying answer to it? Let’s put some light and try to find out the answer.

Plastic – A Killer!

The plastic that cannot be recycled is mostly found lying around in the environment, especially oceans.

It contains bags, bottles, trash, wrappers, etc.

This is the major reason why our oceans are getting polluted.

Case studies state that about 100,000 aquatic animals are killed by plastic annually.

33% of marine lives are found with plastic in their bodies.

The plastic nets used by fishermen in the seas are left in the oceans and the fishes / marine animals are caught in it leading to their suffocation and death.

Studies state that a single plastic bag is used for average use of 15 minutes.

However, it takes more than 500 years for a plastic item to be degraded, with an unsure fact of its complete degeneration.

Paper – A Boon!

world paper mill paper vs plastic paper industry

Now some of you may have landed upon the thought of what to use instead of plastic?

Plastic is an essential thing in our lives and plays an important role in serving our daily needs.

To overcome this factor, the environmentalists came up with the solution of using Paper as a substitute.

Paper serves as a notepad as well as a container.

Paper is made out of recycled products like old paper, wood, fabrics, textiles, etc.

It degrades in very little time and is completely non-toxic.

It requires minimal space and is not responsible for the killing of living creatures.

Paper has substituted several plastic purposes like plastic bags, plastic plates, food packaging, etc.

Also Read: How to Make Paper in 2020? Step by Step Guide

“Paper is free, Paper is recyclable…

Paper is abundant and can be produced out of a table!”

Looking at the growing need to save the environment, different trees and crops are farmed for generating the raw material required to make paper.

Paper is produced out of trees that are specially harvested for paper production purposes.

No natural forests or resources are misused in the manufacturing of paper.

You have to choose wisely between the planet and plastic.

Plastic is indeed destroying our planet day by day.

What are your thoughts on Planet or Plastic?

Let us know in the comments below.

Thank you!

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