How To Start Your Paper Recycling Business?

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Written By World Paper Mill

Pulp and Paper Industry Expert

Hi there! Are you a business person? Are you interested in starting a business of your own? Are you concerned about the environment? If yes, then this blog is for you!

The foundation for starting any business is planning supported by maintenance and management. Paper Recycling is largely adopted these days due to the importance and need for saving nature. Paper recycling reduces the cutting down of trees as more than half of the raw material is obtained from previously used papers and paper products.

How Does Recycling Help?

1 ton of paper recycling saves nearly 27,000 liters of water and about 17 trees. Isn’t that a lot?! Well, not a lot for the entire world, but it sure does help in cutting down of a lesser number of trees.

A lot of people are inspired by this initiative and have invested their time and efforts to bring a change in the traditional way of paper manufacturing by replacing it with the recycling way.

Recycling as a Business

The paper recycling business is ever-growing these days. It has huge returns with very little investment factor. The need for recycled paper is plentiful as they cost less than the non-recycled ones. If you are ready to invest your time and efforts with a little fare, you can efficiently run a paper recycling business on your own with comforting returns. Any business, before starting, needs basic planning.

The Business Plan

The main things that a business runs on are resources, time investment, profit margin, and expected returns. Let us talk about the first factor –

  • Resources

The first and important resource is the space that you will need to keep the stock. Find a reserved space where you can build a setup to keep the stock. The place should be well equipped with basic amenities that are required, like power connection, water supply, etc. Your depot should be easily accessible for transportation facilities to import and export your stock.

The most important part of setting up an industrial business is setting up the machinery. Paper recycling machinery is divided into 3 types as per their production capacity – 20-100 kg/hr, 75-250 kg/hr, and 100-500 kg/hr. Depending on the business requirements and orders, you can select the machinery. 


Cost Estimation and Planning

Cost estimation is an important factor to manage the budget of your business. If you are using a place that you own, you will save the rent cost. Starting with the raw material, 1 kg of waste paper is sold at around 4-5 INR.

Coming to the equipment and machinery, small paper machines cost around 3-5 lakhs and the medium ones cost around 5-10 lakhs. Whereas, the largest ones used for high capacity production range 10 lakhs and above. If you have ample knowledge about the machinery, you can begin with the production.

However, you may consider hiring a technician who will help you with the processing stuff.

Investment Returns!

Returns are our very favorite, aren’t they?! Every true businessman is concerned about the returns. In a paper recycling business, you can expect your first big return after 4-5 months of consistent working of your business plan. Paper Industry is a wide network. The more you connect with people, the more you can have a wide area to cover for your business. After starting and setting up with your business, your return will be estimated after 1 year.

After reaching a certain level of business ownership with a strong network of clients and customers, you can earn up to INR 10-20 thousand per day in your recycling business.

Read This: How to Make Paper in 2020? Step by Step Guide

We guess we’ve mentioned almost all the required points for you to begin the paper recycling business startup. However, if you have something that we might have missed, please leave us a comment in the section below!

Thanks for reading 🙂


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