Paper Industry Statistics for 2020 [NEW]

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Written By World Paper Mill

Pulp and Paper Industry Expert

How is paper manufacturing managed as a process in other paper mills? Carrying out best practices for paper manufacturing is an engaging but long-term goal.

Knowing how paper making broadly functions in other mills can help you to figure out the weak points in your mill straight away.

We surveyed about 200 paper mills worldwide to understand the average paper manufacturing process.

Our goal was to create an in-depth understanding of the present approach to paper manufacturing from both manufacturing and sales point of view.

In this survey, we have put a focus on some of the current facts and statistics that can help you identify clefts in your paper mill marketing and sales and pinpoint your shortcomings and learn new ideas to implement in your paper mills.

Paper Mill Sales Strategy

Paper Mill Sales Strategy World Paper Mill

Paper marketing and sales go hand in hand. Paper sales are not conceivable without a firm marketing strategy.

In the first part of our survey, we studied how often the marketing department changed their strategies to make the desired sale.

With our survey, we found that while most paper mills have their unique strategies, some of them lacked the confidence in whether their strategy is making a difference.

About 70% of our survey resulted that their company had a marketing and sales strategy.

However, only 8-9% of those mills were sure that they were receiving sales due to their marketing strategies.

About 50 percent of the paper mills responded that their sales were generating out of the old customers and they were not able to make new customers.

Paper Mill Marketing Tactics and Metrics

Paper Mill Marketing Tactics and Metrics World Paper Mill

The impact of your paper quality allows you to have a great market in the paper industry.

The second part of our survey consisted of identifying the sales metrics and marketing tactics that the paper mills practiced.

We observed that sales were directly proportional to marketing.

Every paper mill that was making a big scale profit had different sales and marketing departments who worked on a singular strategy.

A similar strategy was designed for both marketing and sales operations.

Besides, we also observed that the product quality was also an unquestionably important factor that had an impact on the sales metrics.

In regards to improving your paper mill performance, marketers reported that updating or repurposing existing products helped a lot in increasing their range of the market.

Paper Mill Sales Goals and Budgets

Paper Mill Sales Goals and Budgets World Paper Mill

It can be said that the success metrics of your paper mill relies on your goals.

So, in this third phase of our survey, we wanted to check what goals were set by the paper mills for 2019, how much the mills spent on achieving them, and how confident their budget plans are for 2020.

We observed that the marketing team aimed to generate more quality leads by attracting more customers.

The paper mills were focussed on improving their customer engagement and loyalty.

We also discovered that to achieve these goals, most of the paper mills were ready to spend up to $50,000 on just marketing and sales.

According to the analysis of our survey, we can say that in the upcoming year, about 60% of the paper mills worldwide, are going to increase their budgets to improve their product quality and sales and marketing skills.

Our Survey Methodology

Our Survey Methodology World Paper Mill

We discussed with more than 500 people worldwide who are working in the marketing and sales department in the paper industries and paper mills or outsourcing their work to paper mills.

We asked them to tell us about their role in marketing and the strategies in their work.

We found the following key takeaways from our survey that might be extremely useful for you.

Strategies of some paper mills are yet to be improved.

Paper mills have gained knowledge of how essential and important marketing is for the development of their mill.

So, they have started working and building their strategies. But not all paper mills have the skills to upscale their strategies in a short time.

Therefore, the strategies of some paper mills are yet to be improved.

Paper mills are ready to increase their budgets.

Most of the paper mills responded positively when we asked them if they were ready to increase their budget on building for marketing and sales.

Many small and medium scale mills have shown positive interest in improving the paper mill production quality and sales.

Marketing teams are naive and some mills prefer to outsource marketing work.

Small and medium scale paper mills still prefer to outsource their marketing work, while some of them have teams who were naive in the paper industry knowledge.

The average number of people in the marketing team came out to be 5-6.

Due to lack of resources, 40% of the paper mills have to outsource their marketing work as per their mill’s needs.

Paper Mills are focusing on the quality of their products.

We found that most of the paper mills are focused on enhancing the quality of their papers.

They also mentioned that the product quality was the main reason they were able to gain market in the industry.

We are looking ahead to know your thoughts on these discoveries of our survey. Feel free to drop a comment in the box below.

Thank you for reading.

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