How To Organize Your Paper Mill?

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Written By World Paper Mill

Pulp and Paper Industry Expert

Is your paper mill well-organized? A well-organized paper mill serves as an advantage in the increase of your paper business.

In this blog, we’ll guide you on how to keep your paper mill in an organized manner. The very essential factor in achieving this is having a perfect and ideal workplace.

How to make your paper mill an ideal and perfect place of work?

To achieve this, you need to follow the simple rules of  the “Five S”.

The “Five S” rule is invented in Japan in which they have stated the 5 terms that are necessary to achieve a perfect organized industry.


This rule contains 5 instructions in Japanese that start with the letter ‘S’ viz. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke.

Thus known as the “Five S” rule.

Let us discuss them one by one

” For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Seiri – Sorting

The first rule of getting a well-organized paper mill is Sorting.

When you work in a paper mill, there are lots of unnecessary equipment and material that is lying around.

We need to clean this up and put aside all the material that is not currently used.

This material might include tools, manuals, documents, containers, etc.

These unnecessary items always prove to be a distraction and obstacles in the manufacturing process.

Seiton – Set in Order

The second is to set things in order.

It may also refer to assigning a proper position and location to all the things at the workplace.

Make labeled compartments to put the things at their designated position.

Some paper mills have labeled floor area to fix a machine at its dedicated area on the floor.

You can assign labels with hangers, arrows, as it is comfortable for your workers.

Setting things in orders help you find them quickly when in need without wasting any time in searching for them.

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Seiso – Shine

Make your workplace shine.

You can take the literal meaning here.

Making your paper mill shine means cleaning it up to that extent where it begins to shine. You should always keep the workspace very neat and clean.

Always remember, a neat and clean environment is the place where prosperity resides.

Not just the workspace, but you should also keep the machines and all equipment clean.

Every instrument must be painted, refurbished, repaired, or replaced if necessary.

A shiny clean place is the hub for innovations and increased productivity.

Seiketsu – Standardize

Standardization means developing new procedures that are to be followed by the staff of your paper mill.

These procedures make the employees responsible for their duties and develop them.

Create a document stating what needs to done or changed in the working of the mill.

Discuss the matters from the housekeeping to taking major steps in developing.

Standardization is the best way of managing and improving the working of your paper mill.

Shitsuke – Sustain

In this stage, you have to ensure that all the procedures and rules in your firm are being followed in an orderly manner.

Sustainability deals with the following of above four ‘S’s. Because, even if any one of the above is not followed, the entire idea of generating an ideal and organized paper mill will be disturbed.

Once the process of setting up a well-organized paper mill is started, you should make sure that the process doesn’t stop in the middle.

“No business can succeed in any great degree without being properly organized.”

James Cash Penney

Let us look at the process of how to organize the working mechanism in your paper mill.

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This is a 3 step process which is very important for every paper mill to focus on.

It is built on the following parameters –

Lead Time (i.e. when will the product be ready for the customer)

The lead time of your paper mill should be short.

You should be able to provide the product to the customer in minimum time.

Time management plays an important role here.

Little variations in time are possible. Most of the experienced paper mills have mastered the lead time factor with time.

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Machine Utilization and Capacity (i.e. analyzing the capacity of your machine before committing to the customer)

You should analyze the utilization and production capacity of your machines before confirming the order to the customer.

It often happens that paper mill machines have a capacity of 50 TPD.

However, due to the greed for business, they end up promising a quantity that is not possible for them to deliver.

Thus, paper mills earn unsatisfactory reviews in the market.

Make sure you do not make yourself fall into the pit.

Worker Assignment (i.e. understanding which machine needs to work and which one needs to rest)

Your paper mill might be producing paper continuously.

You should assign the workers with tasks in an organized manner.

Certain machines require rest after producing a certain amount of stock.

These machines should be stopped after an interval of and the worker on that machine should be assigned a different task now.

This is known as worker assignment.


So, that was pretty much everything you need to know to keep your paper mill well-organized for efficient working.

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