How to Measure ROI of Your Paper Mill

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Written By World Paper Mill

Pulp and Paper Industry Expert

How do you measure ROI your paper mill every month? And how do you evaluate the returns of your investment?

Business is all about making monetary gains.

These monetary gains in financial words are termed as returns on investment (ROI). ROI is calculated on yearly basis. The ROI of your paper mill is the profit that you make from an order/project.

If you want your paper mill to attract a large number of customers and gain huge profit, you should invest carefully in your paper mill business.

And because many paper mills say they don’t prefer to invest much in the new tools and technologies, doing even a small amount of optimization will put you ahead of many competitor paper mills.


To get the most returns from your investment, we have the basic formula to measure the return on investment:

Earnings – Cost / Cost = ROI

What you spend and what you earn from your paper mill will depend on various factors, including these:

  • Type of product
  • Size of product
  • Quantity of product
  • Cost of Product

Understanding how to calculate the ROI of your paper mill is vital for your business. Every paper manufacturing business expects a good return.

Good returns in paper manufacturing aren’t the same for every paper mill. The focus of every paper mill is to reduce the manufacturing cost and increase revenue.

The factors that contribute to this are:

  • Machines
  • Human resource
  • Material
  • Tools
  • Technology, etc.

How to calculate the ROI (Return On Investment) for your paper mill

ROI is the monetary equation that compares net profit and cost i.e. earnings and investment.

It can be termed as a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) by comparing the benefits to the mill and the cost.

The terms ROI and BCR are used for a long time to determine the value of the project. They are financial values easily recognized by the management.

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The BCR and ROI equations used in the paper industry are:

BCR = Program Benefits / Program Cost

ROI = Net Program Benefits / Program Cost x 100 %

Net Program Benefits can be calculated as:

Net Program Benefits = Program Benefits – Program Cost

Also Read: 7 Ways To Save Money On Paper Making

How to analyze your paper mill ROI?

The analysis of ROI is done based on the data items like:

  • Productivity
  • Quality of work
  • Time to proficiency
  • Efficiency
  • Turnover
  • Work habits
  • Safety performance
  • Promotions, etc.

The cost of your project will depend on the expertise and knowledge of the employees, tools, machines, and techniques.

A lot of paper mills have adopted the strategy of monitoring their asset reliability and operations.

It is observed that the paper mills that invest in higher safety and reliability programs are achieving more as compared to other mills that do not invest much in these things.

Investing in reliable technologies increases the probability of gaining returns from an investment.

It is important to understand that the returns from an investment can be positive or negative. Therefore, the ROI generated of your paper mill is calculated in percentage to understand it better.

When the total returns are higher than the total cost, it means that we have positive returns and we are in profit.

Whereas, when the returns are lower than the cost, it means that we have negative returns and we are in a loss.

Therefore, it is important to calculate the ROI in every business.


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