Valmet Corporation

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valmet Corporation

Valmet Corporation

Valmet Corporation is a Finnish company that specializes in the development and supply of technologies, automation, and services for various

    • industries. Here is some information about Valmet Corporation:

Company Overview:


  • Name: Valmet Corporation
  • Founded: Valmet was established in 2013 when Metso's Pulp, Paper and Power businesses were demerged into a separate company. However, the company's roots trace back to the 18th century through its predecessor companies, such as Sunds Defibrator, Rauma, and Valmet.
  • Headquarters: Valmet is headquartered in Espoo, Finland.


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Key Areas of Business:

Valmet focuses on providing solutions and services for industries such as:
      1. Pulp, Paper, and Energy: Valmet is a leading global developer and supplier of technologies, automation, and services for the pulp, paper, and energy industries. They offer a wide range of products for pulp mills, paper mills, and power plants.
      2. Automation: Valmet provides automation solutions for various industries, including process automation and Industrial Internet solutions.
      3. Services: The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including maintenance services, outsourcing, and performance services to optimize the efficiency and reliability of its customers' processes.

Technological Solutions:

Valmet is known for its innovative and advanced technologies in the following areas:

        1. Pulp and Paper Technology: Valmet provides technologies for pulp mills and paper mills, including equipment for pulping, fiberboard, paper, and tissue production.
        2. Automation and Industrial Internet: The company offers advanced automation solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of industrial processes. Their Industrial Internet solutions leverage digitalization for improved performance.
        3. Energy Solutions: Valmet provides solutions for sustainable energy production, including biomass and waste-to-energy technologies.

Global Presence: Valmet has a strong global presence, with operations and service centers in various countries. The company serves customers worldwide, collaborating with them to enhance their performance and sustainability.

Commitment to Sustainability: Valmet is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company focuses on developing technologies that enable its customers to produce more sustainable products and operate more efficiently, with reduced environmental impact.

Stock Listing: Valmet Corporation is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange under the ticker symbol "VALMT."

For the most up-to-date and specific information about Valmet Corporation, including contact details and recent developments, it is recommended to visit the company's official website or contact their corporate communications department directly.

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