Paper has been a dominant factor of daily needs since ancient time. Earlier different base were used to make note of certain things like; keeping the record of places or names were written on stones or trees. Further it developed on making ink out of plant and then started writing on plain and white surface. There the idea of making paper was up so it could help to keep records safe. Paper was invented by Chinese Cai Lun in 104 CE along with the paper making process. Cai was influenced to make paper by watching paper wasp make their nest.
Although the tools and machineries in modern times have developed but the process of producing paper is still the same as getting pulp from fiber mixed in water, pressed and drained the water, and then dried into a thin sheet. Parason have most efficient and developed machines that are easy in use and can help the environment in many different ways. Earlier fiber to make paper was obtained from woods. As the usage of paper increased, cutting down the trees also increased.
It affected to the environment so different methods of gaining fiber was developed. Parason yields paper machinery which can reuse the waste paper, cardboard and can obtain most amount of fiber out of waste. Hence deforestation for making paper was reduced and new inventions were came up in help of environment. In India paper were spread in 7th century, and the use of paper started in 12th century. As the use of paper increased, the paper making mills also increased. Paper made a huge difference in the lifestyle and gradually paper became the daily needs of the people.

Impact of paper
Paper made both positive and negative impacts.
Usage of paper had increased as the records, personal information were kept on paper. Although it was risky to keep the paper records for long time. Today, no technology can defeat the use of paper. Paper is an inessential source for the daily work even if today we work paper less.
At a time in the past fiber was only obtained by wood pulp, which directly affected the environment. Now fiber can also be obtained by recycled newspaper, vegetables matter and cloth, which can give the same quality of fiber as wood and does not affect the environment as well. Coniferous trees like pine, spruce can give the longer species of cellulose fiber in the pulp. Machinery which also helps to convert waste into fiber has made huge impact.
Parason makes machines which are easy to make paper from waste fiber instead of wood fiber. Recycling has always been a part of papermaking and Parason yield the machines that can recycle cloth, newspaper and can give the best output results.
Although today we live in an era where everything can be done with help of technology, paper has its own importance since the time it was manufactured.